
Premator Sweden

This is where it all started back in 1976. Premator AB´s head office is located at former Götaverken Cityvarvet in Gothenburg. Here we have all the facilities for major blasting and coating operations. This strategic location and advanced set-up serves as a base for blasting and coating operations at sea and in the industrial sector.

We have close cooperation with most of the ship repair yards along the Swedish coastline and our orange banners are a welcoming feature for their customers.

The building, infrastructure and industrial sector has been an increasing market for us, and we are today cooperating with the major construction companies on the market.


Johan Svedberg

Johan Svedberg

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Håkan Abenius

Håkan Abenius

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Thomas Janczac

Thomas Janczac

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Tomasz Kreft

Tomasz Kreft

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Grzegorz Zawadzki

Grzegorz Zawadzki

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Tina Rusch

Tina Rusch

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